Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fall TV is back!

It's baaaaaack. 

Last night was the first full night of NEW television in quite some time, and to this point it hasn't disappointed.  Unfortunately, due to my schedule I have to catch shows a day or two after through Tivo or ::GASP:: VCR....but I managed to get in Heroes and Prison Break  (second episode) this morning, and both were good TV.

Heroes was a minor letdown in it's finale last May, but I felt like this premiere took the show in another good direction, with better potential than it's breakout first season.  I was glad to see David Anders on TV again (he was in Alias), though I'm probably not as big of a fan as some of those who have followed his career for much longer. 

The episode mixed a lot of little humorous moments, but mainly spent it's time getting us adjusted to the new situations our heroes are in.....I particularly enjoy the fact that NBC now has two shows that have a focus on the paper industry (I thought the fact HRG was in a copy shop was a little more akin to The Office and Dunder Mifflin, even though he was sort of at a paper factory last season.

I'm interested to see where the Honduras fugitives fit into the story.  My Tivo was so dark, I couldn't really see what the girl managed to do to all those guys she killed....I'm assuming we'll discover her power later, unless I just didn't see it the first time.

Moving on, Prison Break's  second episode continued to keep me entertained.  I'm curious about Whistler, and I'm excited to see what Michael cooks up this time.  His tactics to get the water flowing in the yard showed shades of Season 1 material, which is a VERY good thing.  I hope they can keep this story up for the whole season, because it could turn out to be better than anyone expected it to be.  I still really miss having Sarah around as a main character.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she'll actually show up in person at some point.  I can have a little hope, can't I? 

If I get some time, I'll get some official recaps written, but I can't guarantee that.  There's so much TV and so little time to write about it, I might stick to little blurbs here and there. 

Friday, September 07, 2007

TV Addict Sums up the Upcoming Fall TV Season

The TV Addict has a great guide for all the upcoming TV shows this season. Check it out if you have any interest.

They have great reviews, a great site, and I highly recommend you give it a look for all your Fall TV needs and questions.

Via the TV Addict